23 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 If We Do Not Find an Alternative to Oil...

The power of man to do work—one man-power—is, in its purely physical sense, now an insignificant accomplishment, and could only again justify his existence if other sources of power failed. ... Curious persons in cloisteral seclusion are experimenting with new sources of energy, which, if ever harnessed, would make coal and oil as useless as oars and sails. If they fail in their quest, or are too late, so that coal and oil, everywhere sought for, are no longer found, and the only hope of ...
Folksonomies: alternative energy oil
Folksonomies: alternative energy oil
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...we will see a return to the galley-slaves rowing ships when it runs out.

22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 The Need to Get Off Foreign Oil

New technologies are advancing to the marketplace. but consumers can be wary of change. If they unequivocally demand alternatives to gasoline, for example, the marketplace will be activated, but ±ere is plenty of resistance to overcome. Recently, the president of Shell Oil, John Hoffmeister, expressed his views on world demand for energy and business opportunities ahead. Shell Oil's position, as Hoffmeister explained it, is ±at America will always need foreign oil even as it aggressively de...
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Gingrich argues that we cannot have an intelligent conversation on alternative energies and oil production unless we agree on this principle.